The OpenAPI (OAS) specification 2.0 (fka Swagger 2.0 specification) is the industry standard for defining REST APIs. The OAS specification defines a set of files required to describe an API. These files can then be used by the Swagger-UI project to display the API and Swagger-codegen to generate clients or servers in various languages. Additional utilities can also take advantage of the resulting files, such as testing tools.
OpenAPI is a simple yet powerful representation of RESTful APIs. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on the planet, like thousands of developers
we are now supporting OpenAPI 2.0 in almost every modern programming language and deployment environment. With our OpenAPI/Swagger 2.0 enabled API,
you can generate client libraries in dozens of languages. OpenAPI 2.0 may help while working with the PTV Drive&Arrive API.
Drive&Arrive OpenAPI Spec v2.0 (Swagger 2.0)
Drive&Arrive OpenAPI Spec v3.0
To access the Swagger online editor, click the following link.
To clean the default loaded specification - File -> Clear editor
To import an existing specification from the File -> Import URL and insert Drive&Arrive OpenAPI Spec v2.0 ...
now you could see the OpenAPI 2.0 definition on the left and the generated Swagger endpoints with models on the right. Under the menu Generate Client it's possible to generate the client stubs in a lot of different languages e.g. csharp.
The online editor work if you are working on only one API without any externalized references. If you want to work with multiple APIs, you have to run the editor locally.
git clone
cd swagger-editor
npm install
npm start
now your default browser will be started and point to with a sample specification loaded.
Depending on what language you are using, you may be able to generate PTV Drive&Arrive API client libraries. See the Swagger site for a complete list of integrations.
Please avoid generating the clients with the Microsoft Visual Studio project context menu Add/REST API Client... in the solution explorer because at the moment it is not possible to configure the AutoRest generator (which will be used under the hood in VS) and by default AutoRest generates DateTime typed properties in generated C# code for OpenAPI properties/parameters that have string as the type and date-time as the format instead of the required DateTimeOffset type. Therefore the only possible way at the moment to generate these properties as DateTimeOffset instead of DateTime in C# is when use-datetimeoffset parameter is passed via the command line.
To use the AutoRest parameter use-datetimeoffset you should install the AutoRest Node.js generator:
REM install chocolatey the package manager for windows
call powershell -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
REM install the nodejs with chocolatey
choco install nodejs-lts -y --force
REM instal autorest globally
npm install -g autorest
now please generate the c# PTV Drive&Arrive API clients:
REM autorest command line parameter:
REM remove the old clients
rmdir .\PTVDriveAndArriveClient\ /S /Q
REM download the current PTV Drive&Arrive OpenAPI Spec
powershell -command "iwr -o dave.json
REM generate the csharp clients
autorest --version=latest --input-file=dave.json --output-folder=./PTVDriveAndArriveClient/ --namespace=Ptvag.DriveAndArrive.Client --add-credentials --use-datetimeoffset --sync-methods=all --csharp
AutoRest Generator supports C#, Go, Node.js, Python and Ruby.
AutoRest pre-generated API Clients ready to download:
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