Good to know > About > Assumptions for Trips

Assumptions for Trips

In the current implementation of PTV Drive&Arrive a specific vehicle type should be known at planning time. In case that a specific vehicle is not known at planning time but at execution time, you have to update your tour object. Example: a tour is planned with 11,9t truck but will be executed with 40t truck. This is especially the case if a trip is planned by a transport service provider and later executed by another shipper who uses other vehicles than planned.

Currently the only events we process are of type "stop departed" and "stop reached". We do not process any trip specific events, e.g. "break", "start of service", "end of service" etc. When we get an event of type "stop departed" we assume the driver has left the specified stop (transferred SCEMID of "stop departed" event) and is on the way to the next stop within a trip (by sending positioning events to that stop). A stop is reached if the driver sends a "stop reached" event and/or does not send positions anymore. There is no geofencing logic to check whether a stop is reached.

In trips with multiple stops, ETA for subsequent stops will be calculated in this manner, that there will be waiting periods at a stop if a driver arrives too early up to earliestarrivalTime (earliestArrivalTime means that there is a time window reserved for the specified truck at this time at this stop)

A vehicle will only wait the specified serviceTime at a certain stop if the specified serviceTime is less than the period between earliestArrivalTime and latestDepartureTime at a given stop



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